Crowdtap Blog

Crowdtap Monthly Roundup – Rewards, Impact, and Spring Picks!

Written by Crowdtap | May 9, 2023 2:45:00 PM


Monthly Roundup

April showers bring... a deluge of surveys answered by our phenomenal members! At the end of every month, we love to take a moment to appreciate and celebrate our members' awesomeness. We dive into the stats, examine how Crowdtap has influenced key business decisions, share some inspiring reward ideas, and tease out what's ahead. So let's take a closer look at what our members have accomplished this month!

Sometimes, we can get lost in the act of answering surveys and forget that our responses can have a real impact. Last month, we shared a few examples of companies that made significant decisions based on our members' feedback. And this month, we wanted to dive deep into one specific example that highlights just how influential our members' insights can be.


A leading body care brand recognized a trend in the market and wanted to understand if including jojoba oil in their product would influence customer purchases. To test this, the brand created five different packaging options that highlighted five different types of oils. They asked our members to rank the five packages in order of likelihood to purchase and also to provide feedback on what they liked and didn't like about each packaging option.

Within just three hours, our fantastic members completed the survey, and the brand was able to determine whether the jojoba oil product would be successful. And the good news? The inclusion of jojoba oil proved to be a hit!

So, if you participated in this survey, keep an eye out for this new product next time you're out shopping!


The sun is shining, the temperature is rising, and school's almost out – which can only mean one thing: it's time to kick off summer BBQ season! Get ready to break out the grill, mow the lawn, plant some flowers, and relax with friends and family over a refreshing glass of lemonade.

Here's some inspiration to help you plan the ultimate summer kickoff BBQ:



Spring has sprung and we're all about it! We reached out to our members to see what they're looking forward to most, and it turns out they're craving that warm sunshine just as much as we are. But that's not all - our members are also sharing what they'll be treating themselves to with their rewards this season. 


Make sure to head to our social media handles on 5/16 AND 5/26 to enter to win our $100 gift card contests!



Next week we’ll be launching our second “Crowdtap Champions” Blog. This is where we interview our Crowdtap experts to help inspire our members. This month we discuss how the financial climate has impacted their families and how they’ve used Crowdtap to ease their worries.